
a literary magazine about money, work, & class

Purple Decency

many good lines stalled

fuck the
fascists doesn’t cut it this time

am I feeling?

crawling up the wall more

good bits violet hues
tasteless fool who

loves big
& without struggle

can you make this year
taste right?

I’d abandon myself
in a second

but last night
you said

justice was not
for us

it was for
other people

& the future

The Ruins of Origin: Otherwise Known as the Unloved From

For Stella

I would prefer to die ahead of you
my body between yours and the guard
from the private firm, muzzle
hard against the velvet of our hair
smooth from makeshift hairdressing
in the biggest room we occupy
banners hung ceiling to floor
shining chamomile in morning
ochre in night, redblue in sirens.

But if the occupation does not end in fire
and instead we face a slow death
from chemicals, the decay between the walls
which turns our lungs to chalk, our bodies
to mutiny and our memories to acid,
I would prefer that you be first to die.

Claire Sosienski Smith

Claire Sosienski Smith is based in London and spends a lot of time thinking about poetry and prison abolition. She tweets @CLAIRESOS.