June 2021
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My manager asks me to detail how I have developed myself this year
Elspeth Wilson
Lurid Action
Heavy Fertilizer
Mike Good
$2.29 for a 20oz coke?
Work Shirt
Bearing Living is Barely Living
Kirby Chen Mages
vince mcmahon is only a man.
Patrick Younger
Notes Towards a Post-Avant Pastoral Language
Nostalgia for the Capitalism of Our Youth
William Youngblood
Civil Society
R. M. Haines
Sad Songs
Stephanie Cawley
Against the prevailing notions
Joshua Martin
Walking Through the Tate Modern on the 4th of July
I Want My Mom to Always Be Able to Tell the Neighbors I’m Doing Alright
Natasha Magallon
I'm Having a Crisis of Narrative
The Founding Fathers
The Worldly Market
Simon Crafts
Detail from “Flotilla”
Flotilla: a cut up
Detail from “Flotilla” (Excelsior Water Tower)
Closet Drama
I Work All Day
Stacy Szymaszek
Poor Life
Stephanie Durann
American Ode: Capital
Count Me Among the Almonds
Franziska Hofhansel
Intramuscular Cyborg #0
Aeon Ginsberg
the prison
Lily Beaumont
Parts of Speech
Julianne Neely
Bad Taste
Ian Maxton
5 poems
Silas Curtis
poem for the trees
Dominic Calderon
sext: by the year 2026
rent is due on the 1st
Blue Nguyen
from Awakening Overtakelessness in Sousveillance Pageant
Emily Abendroth
on Stanzas for Four Hands: An Ophanim
Mathilda Cullen & Dominick Knowles

Edited by Patrick Blagrave.