May 2020
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Adam Bruce Wentworth is a self-taught artist working in a variety of mediums - including oil, acrylic, collage, silkscreen, spray paint, and glass.
For inquiries or purchase requests, please visit
Daylight Saving
Alina Pleskova
on the bay area housing crisis
Laundromats Should Be Free Public Spaces
A painting in 6 parts
Jacob Fowler
three love poems
Dominick Knowles
Elegy for my Master’s Thesis
Poem Written in an Emergency Room Outside Philadelphia
Isobel Bess
Corruption / Discretion / Consumption
Cary Stough
from The Corridors (1)
from The Corridors (2)
Brendan Allen
[don’t just take anything]
[silence in darkness]
Mathilda Cullen
Constantine Jones
we crown the stratosphere our new messiah
Joe Rupprecht
(from) Person of Interest
R.M. Haines
Cyborg Manifesto
Amy Marvin
Drinking more coffee than usual just so I can shit on the clock
Alyssa Ciamp
Dispatch #1
Oskar Peacock
Nicole Steinberg
State Funeral for the Sanitation Worker
Let Us Raise an Army of the Dead
Matthew Sekellick
Diary March 2017
Red and pink colored flowers
Lena Tsykynovska
in a fight
applicaton cover letter
Ava Hofmann

Britnie, a versatile artist and photographer from Maryland, studied art and mythology abroad in Greece and received a B.A. from Goucher College as a fine and performing arts scholar. She captures beauty, emotion, and energy through light, vibrant abstract color, depth, and texture.
Britnie produces her work using a variety of experimental and unconventional techniques. After growing up near the Chesapeake, her work is inspired by nature and life, depicting the emotions of liberation (“set free”) and freedom (“being free”). More of her work can be found at
Edited by Patrick Blagrave.