Y O U T E L L M E Y O U D O N’ T W A N T T H I S L I F E
but do you
& i know
the same ache
its acrid thickness
making a bomb
of your throat
in the winter
of my bedroom
i hibernate
going out
instead i perch
the clutter
on the ceiling
there are many ways
of leaving
a woman rushes
into the passenger seat
of her own car
shovels noodles
down her throat
as tho she’s being timed
a few minutes over
her boss
is counting down
do you know
a synonym for unravel
is ravel
is all
the falling
do you know
the way
do you know i
& you
are interchangeable
in the thesaurus
as on the timeclock
did you know
we mean
the same thing
on mission street
a flutter
of pigeons
squabbles over bread
torn apart
& scattered
by the man
from the panadería
who wears a mask
all day at work
when he goes home
to feed his parakeet
he forgets to take it off
do you know
another synonym
for you
& i
is alone
did you know
if you or i
is alone
long enough
we begin
to lose
our meaning
there are many ways
to leave
weed is a word
we give life
we never asked for
a thing we resent
for how it refuses
to die
that is you
& i
resent the impulse
to live
in spite
in spite
there’s a knot
of sourgrass
in the dirt where
i buried my mouth
its silent grave
a homonym
for any undesirable thing
& there are many
in the winter
of my throat
under a snowdrift
a bomb
& readies
stevie redwood
stevie redwood is a disabled neuroinsurgent aquarius homotrash bitch from frisco. they like shittalk, porchsitting, leaflitter, & riffraff. find them trolling yimbys on twitter @trash_whisperer.