
a literary magazine about money, work, & class

Long Term

& how many more

morning lunches Wendy’s

parking lot overlooking another

lot empty every day but for one

cop in a corner waiting

for anything to happen & nothing

does & grows til this blue cave in

my chest becomes me

like a tight cut & button-down

sharp as backyard sky

hooks no net no hoop

cracked backboard & anyway

a brick little bounce

of gnats in a chain

link web I’m so tired

of being this busted

party I can’t even cry

to “Purple Rain” now

who the fuck says that

Tim Lynch

Tim Lynch's poems appear or are forthcoming in The Collagist, Vinyl, bedfellows & more. His interviews with poets appear in Tell Tell Poetry & The Adroit Journal. He earned his MFA from Rutgers-Camden. Say hello @timlynchthatsit.